When we have reached 50,000 verified-members the auction will be "unlocked" and will conduct for 7 days (without extension).
Are there any fees to bid / participate in this auction?
Its FREE to bid / particpate in the auction for all verified-members.
How does one become a verified-member?
When you top-up your Doshh account, you automatically obtain verified-member status.
The minimum top-up amount is $25.
Are there any "hidden" fees apart from topping-up $25 to verify my account?
None whatsoever. Even your member verification is free of charge; we give you verified-member status when you top-up your account the very first time on Doshh.
The $25 you've topped-up remains as credit in your Doshh account idefinitely until you use it to purchase premium features of Doshh.
Is there a time-limit as to when the 50,000 verified-members must be reached by?
Yes. Currently the deadline is Aug 31, 2016. It is only -442 weeks away!
What happens when Doshh does not obtain 50,000 verified-members by the deadline?
The $1 reserve Lamborghini auction will be withdrawn.
What if somone just bids ridiculously large amount at the beginning of the auction (e.g. $100,000)?
They can't; the auction starts from $1 and each bid only increments the auction by 10c.
It will take 1,000,000 (one million) bids to get to $100,000. Also Auto-Bid is disabled on this auction.
How many times can one person bid on the auction?
As many times as they like as long they are not already the "leading-bid". If they currently hold the leading-bid position, they will need to wait until somone outbid them first.
Can the owners of the Lamborghini themselves bid on the auction?
No. Owners of the Lamborghini themselves are strictly not allowed to participate, bid or win on the auction.
Doshh and their associates, friends and family members are also strictly-prohitibited from participating, bidding or winning the auction.
How much is the car worth?
The market-price is over $200,000.
How is this auction different from a "lucky-draw" or "raffle"?
Unlike a lucky-draw, which is basically "blind-luck", this auction allows you to actively influence your own luck (in the form of bidding) to win the Lamborghini.
You must be a verified-member to participate in the auction-bidding process.
Only one Doshh account per person
The program starts at Apr 2016
The program ends at Aug 2016
Any member who tries to manipulate / temper the integrity of the system with be disqualified.
The auction will commence only when Doshh has obtained 50,000 verified-members .
Users may be required to participate in a photo taking session during/after the auction process. Pictures may be posted online or showcased on our website(s) for promotional purposes.
Doshh reserves the right to disqualify all users that do not meet the terms and conditions of the auction. This includes users that submit invalid or incorrect information.